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When do I pay the hire charges?

All hire charges and the vehicle security bond are paid upon your collection of the vehicle (or prior to for deliveries and after hours collections).

What payment methods do you accept?

You may pay the hire charges by credit or debit card or cash.

We accept all major credit and debit cards, i.e. Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Diners Club.

Are there any fees for Credit/Debit card payments?

If you pay the hire charges by Visa, a 2% service and administration fee applies; or by Mastercard, American Express or Diners Club, a 5% service and administration fee applies.

If you pay the hire charges by Eftpos using either the “Cheque” or “Savings” options, a once off service and administration fee of $1.00 applies per transaction.

You can avoid any additional fees by paying the hire charges by cash.

NO service and administration fees apply to the security bond/deposit!

What about the vehicle security bond/deposit?

The vehicle security bond/deposit must be paid by Visa, Mastercard, Diners Club, American Express credit or debit card (press the credit option).

For hires 3 days and under, a Pre-Authorisation is processed. This means that you must have the funds available in your account but they are not withdrawn. The funds are frozen in your account by your financial institution. This “freeze” lasts for 4 working days from the processing time and automatically expires after this period. If you extend your hire period, if you do not return the vehicle in the same condition as hired or if there are outstanding hire charges at the end of your hire, the Pre-Authorisation will be banked.

For hires 4 days and over, the security bond is actually banked and you will be refunded (into the same account) upon your safe return of our hire vehicle. All refunds are processed in AUD and take 3 to 5 working days (5-10 working days during peak season) to clear into your account (this time may vary depending on your financial institution).

NO service and administration fees apply to the security bond/deposit!

Can I use someone else’s Credit?debit card?

Not unless the card holder is present to sign to authorise use of their card on the Rental Agreement.

If someone else pays the vehicle security bond on their card, they become joint main Hirer of the hire vehicle and jointly liable.

Will there be more to pay during the hire or after I return the vehicle?

Only if:
– You have exceeded your kilometre allowance.
– You wish to add more than 2 drivers to the Rental Agreement, or if drivers are aged 20-24 inclusive.
– You wish to take out any additional Damage Cover options.
– You return the vehicle in a very dirty state.
– The vehicle is damaged.
– You incur a traffic infringement.
– You travel further north than Geraldton, south than Albany or East than Kalgoorlie.
– You do not return with the same amount of fuel as originally supplied.
– You return at a later time than when you originally hired the vehicle (unless you have paid for an extension prior to return).
Please read through all of our Information sections for further explanation of the above.

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