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How far can I travel in the hire car?

You may travel within Western Australia only.

If you wish to travel outside of Western Australia please discuss with us and we may be able to tailor a package.

What area does Perth Metropolitan (metro) area include?

Perth’s metropolitan area includes the coastal strip from the suburb “Yanchep” in the north, to “Rockingham” in the south, and inland to “The Lakes” and “Helena Valley” in the east.

Will it cost more to travel outside the Perth Metro Area?

Please refer to the below map of Western Australia. There is no additional cost (unless you exceed the daily kilometre allowance) if you travel within the shaded area – north as far as Geraldton, south as far as Albany, and east as far as Kalgoorlie.

Area of Use Map Click For a Larger Version (pdf – new window)

If you travel outside of the shaded area, this is called Remote Area, and the following extra costs will apply:

  1. A once off Remote Area surcharge of $70.00. This is to extend Damage Cover for long distance and remote travel.
  2. The vehicle security bond will increase by $500.00. So for standard vehicles when the bond is usually $500.00 (by Visa, Mastercard, Diners Club or American Express), the bond will increase to $1000.00.

Do I need to notify you of the area I wish to Travel?

Yes, upon collecting the hire vehicle you will need to nominate your areas of use.

For travel outside of Perth metropolitan area, you don’t need to specify every single town, you simply advise us of the farthest destination that you may travel to (all areas in between will be covered).

If you wish to travel a greater distance than originally nominated on the Rental Agreement, you will need to phone or email us to advise (and if travelling “Remote Area” pay extra costs).

If you travel to an area that you have not nominated on the Rental Agreement, Damage Cover will be void.

Do you offer One way Rental?

Yes, we do offer one way rental. Please contact your pick up branch directly to find out the relocation fee as it varies depending on the location you returning.

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